What Are the Benefits of Tooth Decay Treatments?

Are you suffering from tooth decay? Tooth decay is an oral health condition that arises due to poor oral health conditions. It is responsible for damage to the thin layer of protection on your teeth known as tooth enamel. If a hole is formed in the tooth enamel due to tooth decay, a cavity arises, which will require a dental... read more »

Preparing Your Smile for Tooth Restoration Therapy

Even though there are multiple ways that teeth can be damaged or discolored, fortunately, there are also numerous ways that teeth can be restored and whitened. For extra oral health care beyond traditional brushing, flossing, and other dental hygiene routines, consider the benefits that a tooth restoration therapy may be able to provide for your smile. Common treatments include dental... read more »

How Dental Fillings Can Best Treat Your Cavities

The most effective forms of cavity treatment are dental fillings. Dental fillings are tooth restorations. They are devised to: 1. remove decay created by cavities and 2. fill in the hole in your tooth enamel to stop cavity progression and prevent further decay. Dental fillings can be made from a variety of materials. Two main forms are dental amalgams and... read more »